This newsletter contains links to approximately 12 articles which are selected by Blendle’s editors. Users of Blendle can also subscribe to a daily newsletter.

This can be viewed as a more or less direct translation of the traditional kiosk to an online setting. Blendle offers an application for all major mobile platforms and is also available as a website in which users can freely browse through all articles and publications. There are two ways in which a user interacts with Blendle.

#Cool way to display newspaper clippings full#
Users can buy individual articles without having to purchase the full publication. Blendle is a Dutch 2 online service that combines articles from all major Dutch newspapers and magazines. We answer this question by means of an analysis of data from Blendle, 1 an online kiosk. RQ1: What are the characteristics of an effective headline of a news article in a digital environment? In this paper, we answer the following research question: Therefore, it is important to have a good understanding of the characteristics of an effective headline. The headline, being one of the primary ways to attract the readers’ attention, should above all make the reader curious as to what the article is about, so that it lures the reader into opening the article (Chen, Conroy, and Rubin 2015). But since many headlines are not read within the context of a newspaper anymore, the function of the headline has shifted. Previously, the primary function of a headline was to give the reader, who was scanning the newspaper, a clear understanding of what the article was about (Van Dijk 1988). With this change, the function of the headline of a news article changed as well. Often, a person reads this article because it was shared on social media or some other internet platform (Baresch et al. However, increasingly more people are reading individual articles online, outside of their original publication. People used to buy a newspaper, read it from cover to cover while scanning headlines, and reading articles that they thought were interesting (Holmqvist et al. The additional benefit is that our process allows for the articles to be permanently sealed and last forever instead of falling apart and turning yellow.The way people consume newspaper articles is changing: more and more newspaper articles are consumed on the internet rather than from physical newspapers. What if you had those memories hanging on your wall? At That’s Great News we would like to offer you a way to preserve those old newspaper articles into custom wall displays for your home or office. Ask yourself everytime you look at those photos and articles how does it make you feel. The question is why have you not done anything more than put those great memories into a laminated scrapbook. We all have old newspaper articles in the house and they all have certain meanings. Whether it was in high school, college, or maybe later in life you may have been interviewed at your work, saved a wedding announcement, or cut out the article when your children where born. Somewhere in the house is the old article about a time when you where featured in the newspaper. We all have them tucked somewhere in the office, under the bed, I have even recently heard it called cupboard clippings. We would like to make the process a lot easier than having to go out to Home Depot. One site to remain nameless tells you in order to get the right kind of frame you need a ruler, measuring tape, and UV reducing glass? I thought to myself really, what is UV reducing glass and why do I need it to preserve old newspaper articles. The consensus was a lot of framing companies want you the consumer to do a lot of the work.
#Cool way to display newspaper clippings how to#
For this article we’ve reading up on different ideas on How to display newspaper articles.